Our activities are based on 2 interconnected pillars:
1) provide our IT system: KuMin.Gastro to monitor food circulation in the hotel/restaurant (including food waste/excessive production, etc.), and
2) provide advisory support to formulate and implement complex strategy for cost optimization and food waste reduction (SCORE). Answering questions of: who, why, how much, when, where, and what is generating food waste helps with better decision making and planning. Key critical success factors in limiting food waste and efficient implementation of SCORE are: leadership, engagement, and ownership.
By reducing food waste we limit overproduction of food and optimize operational costs. SCORE is formulated and implemented in 6 consequtive stages:
We build awareness among personel explaining why we do what we do
We measure the scale of food waste
We analyse status quo based on reliable and complex data
We formulate action plan for changes: what, who, when, how
We implement formulated plan of actions
We monitor the plan and make adjustments
Scope of our work
- together with our clients we formulate SCORE strategies – optimizing operational costs and reducing food waste as well as we jointly implement them
- we measure quantity, structure, and value of food waste including overproduction of food
- we suport actions to adjust menus
- we formulate educational programs to raise awareness in the field of food waste
Our services can be used by the following:
- institutions and individual persons who are aware and cautious about limiting operational costs and saving money in their budgets
- institutions and private individuals who are aware and cautious about negative impact of food waste
- hotels, restaurants, catering, cafes, hospitals, educational facilities with kitchens, shops, and households
Benefits for our cients:
- according to WRAP and World Resource Institute: 1 USD invested in food waste reduction brings ROI of 14 USD
- uncontrolled food waste reduces yearly revenue of 4-12%
- more rational approach to purchases of raw materials and produce – we sell perhaps the same amount with reduced op costs
- correcting menus: we know how much of produced food including specific dishes and portions are uneaten by guests/customers (including leftovers on plates), why, and when
- adjusting quantity and variety of food served to specific clients
- answering key managerial questions such as: how much and what we throw away, why it is thrown away, what is the value of thrown away food, what is the level of overproduction of food (uneaten by guests/clients), and the structure and quantity of food left on plates
- results of our tests show that for hotels of up to 350 rooms, the level of potential savings reducing food waste may reach up to 400,000 EUR per year
- using KuMin.Gastro we can easily perform benchmark between units in the chain/network